End Of Life / Support Date: 14/01/2020
Now the EOL (end of life) date is still a little over 6 months away but trust me time flies and the quicker you upgrade to Windows 10 the better. If you are still using Windows 7 you may have even seen the popup messages notifying you that Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7 on 14/01/2020. As always leaving things until the last minute always causes a headache when you run into those unexpected problems which could so easily have been ironed out if you had more time.
What will happen if I don’t upgrade: your device will still turn on and work but after 14/01/2020 Windows 7 will not receive any more security patch updates, this will leave you more vulnerable to malware and compatibility issues with software’s as the manufacturers also stop making updates and drivers for Windows 7. As a business you can still pay for extended support from Microsoft.
For businesses we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Windows 10 before the cut-off date. After this you will be more vulnerable to attacks and then a simple upgrade becomes a much more lengthy and complicated process. Windows 10 is easy to use and it has a lot of built in features which you can benefit from.
Based on NetMarkShare’s Jan 2018 data only 34% of people who used Windows 7 have upgraded to Windows 10. Now keep in mind that a big chunk of these are going to be home users there are still a large number of businesses who have not yet taken the jump. In this post we are focusing on the business users
You may have already have some devices in your office that are already running Windows 10. It is important that you identify the devices with the Windows 7 operating system. This will give you a list of the PCs that need the upgrade, you can then decide if they are too old and should be replaced with a new PC or if they can have the operating system upgraded. If the PC is 3 or more years old we recommend purchasing a new one.
How Can We Help You
You may be wondering what will happen to your data and software’s when you do the upgrade. Will everything still work? Will you lose anything? We have the tools and knowledge to seamlessly upgrade your devices to windows 10 and move all of your data and licenses across in a way that has minimum impact on your business. We have successfully done this for over 100 businesses and we can do the same for yours to. Click here to find out more.