We are pleased to introduce our improve managed IT security services for you.
Keeping your business secure is an on going effort, it effects businesses of all sizes. It’s a big and ever changing landscape, in fact there were approx. 144.91 million new malware samples found in 2019. Small and mid sized businesses are often hardest hit by this as they often lack the protection and cyber security readiness. Systems aren’t always in place and at times staff have not had the necessary training to be aware of things like phishing emails or ransomware. Unfortunately more than 50% of all businesses that fall victim to cyber-crime are small businesses. There’s various reasons for this, one is lack of time and awareness others are not taking adequate precautions and having a layered approach to security. Our new managed cyber security service addresses all of these weak points and gives a easy to use solution for small – medium sized businesses, fully managed by our IT support services team. This post describes the new service and its features in details. In short, cyber security is important – our new services takes on the management of it and provides a clear role for managing it.
Cyber security isn’t something that stays the same, new threats and malware are seen daily and because of this managing it is an on going process, a on going solution is needed that utilises the right technology, AI and people power to give an adaptive and up to date solution. Our service delivers exactly this and is tailored to meet the needs of small – medium sized businesses.
The main issue for cyber security is that it is something which always needs to be managed, as it is always there and continuously changing. This takes time and effort to do. In a lot of instances a small business will purchase a endpoint protection type of anti virus software, have it installed on their devices and then that would be it. That does provide some form of protection but its not ideal as traditional anti virus software’s tend to struggle with modern day threats.
This post describes the new service and its features in details. In short, cyber security is important – our new services takes on the management of it and provides a clear role for managing it.
How it works
We will secure your devices, email, data and network through Sophos. Sophos is a global leader in IT security products. These security licenses are then linked backed to our managed service desk which is manned by out IT support staff.
Our staff will monitor and maintain the service whilst providing regular and timely updates to a designated person within your business.
If a threat is detected a member of our team will respond to it quickly and notify you once it has been resolved. This part of the service gives 24/7 coverage.
Areas covered:
Web Protection, data encryption, ransomware, cryptoguard (ransomware file restorer), laptops and desktops and your network
Protection from ransomware
Emails containing suspicious attachments will be blocked and quarantined for further inspection. If an attachment does get through and is clicked on by the end-user it will be blocked from executing any files. Data that gets encrypted by this will be reverted back to its original state by the Cryptoguard feature in this service. We will also be able to provide a full visual report on the incident after the clean-up has been done if required.
Ransomware is a major threat, the costs caused by a successful attack are high. Our solution gives you the highest level of protection and provides a clear route to support and resolution.
Threat detection and response
This solution is perfect for SMEs, it greatly improves security and staff awareness without increasing the staff headcount.
This service is billed on a per user per month basis, it can be added to our other on going IT support services or can be used as a standalone service. It’s recommended that it is taken up with our on going IT support services as both of them combined creates a solution that gives you a complete coverage for modern day business. Our team will manage and look after the IT whilst you can focus on your business without being slowed down by technology. In most instances the threats can be stopped before any damage or downtime is caused to your business.
Email Protection
Using Sophos we will secure your emails from malware, ransomware, spam and phishing attacks. There is also the option for email encryption if required and an emergency inbox feature designed to give you maximum security and up time.
Included Training
Having a workforce which is aware of cyber security is a major plus. In a lot of instances malware will get into a business through a employee accidentally clicking on an email. The problem is that a lot of people do not know what to look for, phishing emails are designed to look as if they came from the original sender. Imagine if a person was to knock on your door and claim https://www.medeor247dubai.com/en/lp/dental/med/antibiotics/ that he worked for Thames Water for example and they had the full uniform and some ID to. You would be likely to just let him in without taking a proper look because everything on the surface looks legitimate. It’s the same with phishing emails they are designed to look the same as an email from a legitimate sender whom you probably already get regular emails from. If staffs awarness of these risks can be increased you’ll benefit greatly. This is an important area that can easily be addressed however it is often overlooked. Relying on technology won’t give you 100% protection. Your staff should be aware of what spam and phishing emails are and what they look like. They don’t need to be specialists but general awareness and some ongoing training will pay dividends in this instance. Attacks are costly and take time to resolve, so having aware staff will go a long way in staying protected.
Sending your staff to cyber security training courses is costly and it takes up a lot of time. On top of this its normally a one of session that lasts a day and then that’s it. After a few weeks no one remembers anything from it. It’s on a regular and dependable form of training that can be undertaken by anyone that does it.
Our managed cyber security service includes ongoing training for your staff as standard. This is done by sending simulated phishing emails to your staff. These emails are completely safe to click on. From the results we can see who has clicked on what and how the end user interacted with the email. The training is provided online and can be done from anywhere via short online modules which are targeted at specific types of email threats such as social engineering and ransomware. We recommend that this is done on a fairly regular basis as an ongoing exercise. It doesn’t have to be every day but often enough for your staffs knowledge to be kept up to date on the matter. This way your staff will be educated in cyber security and will be less likely to fall victim to some sort of fraudulent email. Which in turn greatly reduces the risks of a successful phishing attack on your business or someones login credentials being stolen.
How is AI incorporated in this?
Cyber security is a ever evolving space, for this you need more than a traditional anti-virus software for protection. As this would not always be able to detect never seen before threats, malware is constantly changing and not everything can go to a malware database. An intelligent system would work best in this case. This is where AI comes in. By integrating it into the service security goes from being reactive to becoming predictive which is achieved via advanced machine learning. This will be used to protect both your devices and your emails.
On going device checking
As part of the service our team will check the devices in your business and create performance reports on them. These reports will identify if any of your PCs or laptops are operating slowly, if they have any known vulnerabilities and if there are any programs running on them which should be removed.
Does it work for staff working remotely
The short answer is yes, this service works the same way for your staff working in the office as it would do if they where in the office. Our team will monitor and maintain your staffs computer security whilst they are working from home. The service levels remain the same. You’ll also get direct and unlimited access to our technical support people as well.
Dedicated account manager
As standard you will be assigned a dedicated account manager he/she is your non technical point of contact within our business. You will have direct access to this person. Any issues you will be able to contact them directly. You will also be assigned a dedicated team of services personnel who you can contact at any time.
All of the above is managed by us, our team will deploy the relevant security licenses, link them back to our helpdesk and proactively manage them from here. Any detected threats will be quickly blocked and resolved. You or your staff will not need to do anything, it is completely managed and maintained by us.
If you are interested in learning more about the then please do get in contact with us. If you are an existing client then you can do this by contacting your account manager, if not click here to fill out a contact form or just give us a call on 02085188353 and a member of the team will be more then happy to discuss this further with you. We have been in business for other 30 years and have a range of other IT services available which can be used by your business. If you would like to learn more about these services click here to go to our main page.